Sunday, May 20, 2007
Growth Demands Sacrifice
Images: Left - When Heads Begin to Roll (underpainting) 36" x 48" oil on kraft paper by Chris Carter
Right - When Heads Begin to Roll (finished painting) 36" x 48" oil on kraft paper by Chris Carter
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Mike in Heels
I couldn't resist posting this photo of my son, Mike, airborne in heels. All three of my children continue to expand my vision of both the internal world and the external world. More than half of the music I listen to while painting was introduced to me by Alexis, Nicole and Mike.
The circle of inspiration expands like the ripples from a small pebble tossed into a body of water. The paintings of Ali and Celia Vuocolo continue to take my breathe away and I push myself to renew the strength of my own energy through strong design and luscious application of paint. The audacity and light-heartedness of Mike's friend Laura reminds me to let go of stodgy thoughts and attitudes. I could go on for pages listing their friends and the contributions they have made to my life both artistically and personally. It is a joy to see my children and their incredible friends making their own way into the world.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Painting on Kraft Paper
I've been contemplating content in my paintings. The kraft paper set me free, allowing the expression of a powerful moment. This is the first of many. I look forward to seeing what the next kraft paper painting might become.
Image: The Departure - oil on kraft paper 36" x 48"
The following poem was written by my daughter, Alexis:
New Year’s Eve
my grandmother waited
until she was surrounded by daughters
to die.
down the hall, my grandfather,
eyes rimmed red,
was talking with the
woman at the front desk.
he hadn’t made it to the parking lot
and yet it was far enough.
my mother. her sisters.
myself. my sister.
and my grandmother, dying.
the men were on their way.
caught in traffic perhaps,
or by the streak of clouds
that glowed golden as the sun set
and she stopped breathing.
outside, purples were crowding
the edges of the sky
and lights flickered on in windows.
she stopped.
what else is there to say?
her breath caught
and in seconds her skin was grey,
her cheeks sunken. was it the wail
that brought my grandfather back
down the hall? i cannot remember.
only that later, he was there. but
at that moment, it was only us
and the sound emanating
from our throats— rising
and rising.